Sugneshbhai hosted the samaiyo, which commenced by describing how Bhagwan Ram was known for his impeccable character and virtues. He is a role model for how to conduct oneself in family, social, and work matters. In addition, we celebrated Harinavmi, Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s pragatya din. At the age of 11, Bhagwan Swaminarayan, who at the time was known as Nilkant Varni before sainthood, went on a journey of over 7 years across India in search of a Guru. Sugneshbhai said that every incarnation of Bhagwan has their mission. To illustrate Bhagwan Swaminaryan’s life mission, the NJ Mandal performed a drama.
The drama began at Jinnahbhai’s home where Maharaj resided.. He was incredibly ill and many of the santo thought he was going to leave his physical body. Muktanand Swami requested to see Maharaj and prayed that he get well so he could share his Upasana. Seeing Muktanand Swami cry, Maharaj said that he would make the sankalp to get better so he could write shastras, build mandirs, and initiate gunatit saints..
Then, the second scene takes place during Maharaj’s sabha where he proclaims that he wants to bring kalyan to countless jivas. He then said that if one has my darshan or darshan of my santo or bhakto, they will be granted kalyan. Maharaj then asked the question, “What is left to do once you come in contact with Pragat Bhagwan?” Many people answered, but all their answers were unsatisfactory. Maharaj then tells everyone the answer, which is seva. Maharaj said that the opportunity to do seva is incredibly rare. This sabha ends up becoming part of the Vachnamrut, a spiritual text that comprises of Maharaj’s discourses that were written verbatim by various saints at the time. .
The next scene in the drama takes place when many saints have fallen ill and Maharaj requests Gunantitanand Swami to take care of them. As Gunatitannd Swami goes to wash their clothes, even the saints who are well hand him their dirty clothes. Maharaj then calls for someone to help Gunatitanand Swami. Thereafter, Maharaj tells the saints about Gunatitanand Swami’s mahima, his true glory. He always sees Maharaj’s murti and is aksharbrahm.
The last scene portrays the groundbreaking ceremony of Maharaj’s first mandir in Gadhpur. Maharaj tells everyone that they will need many supplies to build the mandir. Many people offered their tools, time, and money. At that time, an old and poor brahmin named Dubli Bhatt told Maharaj that he too wanted to help with the mandir. He gives Maharaj 13 paises which was everything he had left, all of his life savings! Maharaj was extremely pleased with him and his sacrifice for the mandir. Maharaj told all the devotees present that his Mandir was completed because Dubli Bhatt gave his heart and all of his life savings, and truly believed Maharaj to be kartha hartha, the all-doer.
This drama highlighted the importance of Bhagwan Swaminaryan’s wisdom that he passed through scriptures, the saints, and the importance of seva with the right intentions. Sugneshbhai then recapped how we all must also take part in seva, no matter how big or small, because in the end, it will only help us become closer with Bhagwan. He referenced the squirrels in Bhagwan Ram’s time that were teased for gathering pieces of sand. Ram then said that the sand holds together all the big rocks everyone else brings.
After the drama, Shantu Uncle started explaining the effect Bhagwan Ram has on the Hindhu dharma. Even after thousands of years we still celebrate his birthday and take away the lessons he conveyed. People do not get tired of going over the same principles. He then mentioned Bhagwan Swaminaryan’s vardan that as long as there is seva the door to kalyan is open. He emphasized the definition of seva, which is to be madatroop (helpful) with niskambhav (without innate desire). Shantu Uncle gave examples of how different devotees have become nimit for the Nutan Haridham Mahotsav.
The samaiyo ended with a discourse by Swamiji. He said that if you have mandir in your life, your mind becomes steady and grounded. As long as you have hath, maan, and irsha your kaam, krodh, and lobh cannot be eradicated. . Swamiji then said that the more you use your wealth for Bhagwan and His kaarya, the more he will take care of you. According to the Vachanamrut, Gadhada Madhya-41, all of the happiness in the world is like biting your own tongue and taking pleasure in the taste of the blood. We need to live with dasatva, saralta, suradbhav, and do bhajan.